Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"We need to be a corporate body, smitten with the glory of God, committed to the unity of the church, deluged by his love, and faithful as we walk together in obedience to him, even in our suffering. We need to need other people less and love other people more." -Edward Welch in When People are Big and God is Small.
When I consider the love of God as ultimately shown through the gift of His Son, and also as displayed in the love Hosea had for his wandering wife Gomer, I am overwhelmed by His amazing love and then compelled to love others. How could I do any less? Even when I feel as though I have had enough and don’t want to be hurt anymore, God’s love motivates me to keep going, keep showing them love, His love... because God earnestly desires for people to know His amazing, overwhelming love.

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet one, I love your writings! What a gift! I was just looking for little places here and there to send encouragement. You should reach HK now in about 3 hours! You're just on my mind, and I'm earnestly seeking God on your behalf. Isn't God's grace and love for us so vast when you begin to really meditate on it?! Thank you for your transparency, my dear friend. It's another characteristic that I admire you for. I love you!

    "May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You." -Psalm 33:22
