Friday, June 26, 2009

The Sovereign hand of God

The events surrounding the trip to Macau:
Back in April I was sharing the ministry at a church. A couple invited me to join them for lunch afterward to talk more about Hong Kong. They also gave me an envelope with some money from Macau and China... he had been on several trips and had that left over, so they wanted me to have it. Well, I accidentally left it at the restaurant! I thought I'd just let it go...the waitress would have a nice tip. hehe. But, later I decided to email them and tell them about it, so at least they could try to get it back. So, they called the restaurant which they found out had actually kept the money and were going to place an ad in the paper for it! The couple picked it up and then proceeded to mail it to me. It was such a kind gesture. Well, I didn't realize just how much that would comfort me later. You know when I was making the decision to go ahead and come without my visa... and I was told that I would just have to go to Macau and return... I could feel God's loving arms around me, giving me confirmation that He is watching out for me... He already knew I'd have to go to Macau. It gave me rest and peace that He was working in ways I hadn't imagined. So when I was in Macau on Monday, I was able to use the money for the bus to get around. It wasn't much, but it gave me such joy and heart filled with gratitude. "When I think about the Lord... what an amazing Father He is and how He wants us to know Him.